Referee Fellowship Grant

Gold Nugget Soccer Club (GNSC) is offering qualifying youth referee candidates a Youth Referee Fellowship Grant of $125 each. This grant will cover most of the costs to become a referee (CNRA Registration and new referee uniform kit).

Qualified youth candidates MUST: (1) have a birth year 2007-2011, (2) live within the boundaries of GNSC (Black Oak Mine Unified School District or Gold Trail School District), (3) have played soccer as a player for GNSC for 2 years or more, and (4) maintain a scholastic GPA of 3.25 or higher.

  • Application deadline to apply for this GNSC scholarship is August 17, 2024.
  • Candidates must complete a CNRA online class and must attend a field session.
  • A local field session will be available in late August 2024 (time and date TBD) at Henningsen Lotus Park. Online class requirements must be completed prior to attending the field class. 
  • Reimbursement checks will be provided on or around October 1st, and upon candidates showing proof of CNRA Grassroots Referee Certification
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please include area code
Email Address
This email will be used for providing class information and updates
Open the calendar popup.
What Town or City do you live in?
What school do you attend?
What was your GPA (grade point average) for your previous year in school?
Player Experience
How many years did you play soccer as a player?
Gold Nugget Soccer C
Years played with GNSC
Tell us why?
Tells us why you want to be a referee.

Required Fields